1993: István Végh his wife and their two sons, Krisztián and Dániel established Végh-Vár Ltd., which is a family business. After the formation, the vegetable-fruit wholesale trade and transportation was the main activity, and a flower and gift shop was opened in Solt.
2002: There was a huge change in the life of the Company, the cold store in Dunavecse was bought. In the following years after the purchase there were huge renovation and modernization on the building and on the site as well. These upgrades are not finished since that time, and they are going on continuously, depending on the financials.
2011: The construction of a 1000 tons capacity freezer house started, beside the continuous modernizations.
2012: Végh-Várkert Ltd. was established; which main activity is fruit production in the areas near to the site. This allowed us to experience the difficulties of the supplier side and to produce our Own product.
2013: The deep-freezer started its operation, and it was utilized at full capacity, even in the first year.
2014: The old cold-storage was modernized. After the modifications there is a possibility to store 600 tons more of frozen fruit. In the summer season, the cold-storage’s function is still the pre-cooling of the fresh fruit.
2016: To cope with the increased demand from the Customer side, in order to increase the quality, we put into operation an optical quality selector – based on color. This machine beside the classification according to the color, separates the foreign materials.
2017: In our “old” cold storage building, we created a cooling space with tanks to store minced fruit with a volume equal to 4 liquid-carrying tank truck, in addition to the existing 6.